Why doesn’t Bear have a Facebook page?

Recently I’ve found myself having a lot of conversations with people about why Mr Happy and I deleted our facebook accounts. And each time, I wish to myself that I had already posted this explanation, so I could just share it with the person I’m talking to.

I wrote this post two years ago to answer a question that was being asked frequently. But then my health took a nosedive, and I didn’t have the energy or brain power to blog anymore. So this post just hunkered down in my drafts folder. Every time I’ve considered posting it I’ve thought, “No, it’s been too long since my last post. That’s a weird post to start back with. I’ll just wait until I’m a bit better. Then I can write a few other posts and this one can be shared after those”. 

But it’s been two years, and that “bit better” hasn’t happened yet.
So I’m sharing it now, and then retreating back into hibernation.
Hopefully ‘winter’ will be over soon, and I can get back to regular blogging.

Missing you all,
xx S.

Why doesn’t Bear have a Facebook page?

It’s annoying, I know! Facebook is an awesome way to keep up to date with your favourite pages. They make it really easy to ‘like’ a post, comment on it, or share with friends and family. Bear would love to have a Facebook page, because more people would find our blog, learn about dysautonomia, and interact with us!facebook-140903_1920

Continue reading “Why doesn’t Bear have a Facebook page?”

Hello from the other side!

I made it.

It was a long crawl through a dark, putrid tunnel. But I made it to the other side.

Note: If you’re new here, you probably haven’t read the series of posts about my recent surgery / subsequent rough recovery. I’ll pop the links below for you.
(Prequel) Heartache
(Announcement) The problem with your but (it’s not what you think!)
Hysterectomy: day 1
Hysterectomy: night 1
Hysterectomy: recovery week 1
Hysterectomy: recovery weeks 2- 6

At the time of my last blog post (six weeks post surgery), most of my abdominal pain had subsided, and I was starting to ease my way back into life. I was still experiencing intense fatigue and brain fog though (more than was usual for me).

I’m glad to report that, over the following month, those symptoms gradually eased back to my normal level. Which is to say, the other day I carefully wrapped an overripe banana in a plastic bag, and put it in the cupboard…instead of the freezer. (Luckily I found it again that afternoon, and not a few weeks later! Yuck!) But I can write a coherent lesson again, and read blocks of text instead of staring blankly at the page…most of the time (which is my normal).

I do still get pain in my abdominal muscles sometimes, and my hip joints are still extra cranky. But, apart from that, I’m pretty much back to pre-surgery me!

Well, pre-surgery me minus an organ…and minus the days lying on the shower floor losing copious amounts of precious fluids; the agonising cramping / stabbing / kill-me-now pains; the bleeding on all my clothing / bedding / towels; and the epic nausea. (This new me is pretty awesome, just quietly!)

So, if I’m back to normal… why has it been over a month since my last blog post?

I have a good reason, I promise.
really good reason. Continue reading “Hello from the other side!”

The Liebster Award


My recent post called Why do I blog? might fool you into thinking I’m an actual blogger. But, in reality, I’m only a newbie, still learning the ropes. I keep expecting someone to burst in at any moment and shout, “HEY! What are you doing?! You can’t be blogging! Who do you think you are? You’re not good enough!”

So I was both shocked and honoured when Living a Lung Life nominated me for The Liebster Award. Continue reading “The Liebster Award”

Why do I blog?


When I first started blogging, my mentor Rachel from The Chronicles of Rach told me about the importance of asking myself questions. Why did I want to blog? What did I want to blog about? Who did I want to read it? She explained how having a clear focus would help me to create better content.

She pointed me to the seven questions the wonderful Pip Lincolne (from BLog with Pip) had assigned her during a recent blogging course. I read Rachel’s answers in her post The Whys and Wherefores, and then eagerly scribbled down my own answers. I’ve referred to those scribbled sentences many times over the last six months.

I realised that if I shared them here, it may help people to understand why I started Reflections Of A Bear. So here they are: the secrets to my blogging…

Continue reading “Why do I blog?”

What is this madness?

When a newly diagnosed friend was confused about the difference between Dysautonomia and its subtypes, I looked for an infographic to explain. I was astonished when I couldn’t find one – it seemed like a really obvious thing to have a visual representation of. So I whipped one up for her, and posted it on my blog, thinking maybe it would be helpful for others too.

Less than 24 hours later, that infographic post has OVER ONE THOUSAND VIEWS! Continue reading “What is this madness?”